About Veronica Moscoso

Veronica Moscoso was a wonderful person and an exceptional teacher. Her life has inspired her family and friends to dedicate the creation of the Veronica Moscoso Foundation to honor her memory with great eagerness to improve the lives of children by means of education.
Veronica was the kind of teacher all children would love to have. Besides passing on lessons with kindness and compassion with an eternal smile her love and dedication towards children made her short stay an oasis of love and peace.
The loss of Veronica from our lives is made bearable by dedicating our lives to touch where she can no longer reach, the lives of our children. We are empowered by her memory and committed to her task, to be her heart and her hands in this world and make children happy, inspired and prepared.
" I wake up everyday happy to go to work because I feel that these kids need me on many different levels.
I help bring the outside in, because we read books on many different cultures and we learn about the many different places people can come from"
Veronica Moscoso